The Achievement Of COVID-19 Vaccination In Bogor Regency Is Still Low

BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, must strive to achieve the COVID-19 vaccination target because the achievement of vaccination services in its area is still relatively low.

Bogor Regency has a target of vaccinating 4.2 million of its 5.4 million population. However, until August 3, only 777,384 people were vaccinated from the vaccination target.

"Everyone knows that Bogor Regency has the largest population in Indonesia in terms of regency size," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin as the Head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Task Force, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 6.

"Bogor Regency's target for vaccination is very high, for that there must be an acceleration. We have all done our best," he said.

Ade Yasin asked the task force for handling COVID-19 at the sub-district level to strengthen coordination with puskesmas to improve vaccination services.

"There is still a delay in vaccination in several puskesmas, namely the presence of precipitation, as well as weak coordination between the puskesmas and the sub-district task force," he said.

"Starting August, we will add a target for each sub-district, with 8,575 doses per week," continued Ade Yasin.