Soekarno-Hatta Airport Ranks Up In The List Of Best Airports In The World, And Wins The Best Airport Staff Award

JAKARTA - Soekarno-Hatta Airport made a positive achievement at the global Skytrax World Airport Awards 2021 which was held to give awards for the best airports in the world.

President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Muhammad Awaluddin said Soekarno-Hatta Airport recorded 4 achievements at this annual event.

"The first achievement is that Soekarno-Hatta Airport's ranking improves in the list of the world's best airports or the Top 100 World's Best Airports. In 2021 Soekarno-Hatta Airport is ranked 34th in the world, or up from 35th position in 2020," Muhammad Awaluddin said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Friday 6 August.

Muhammad Awaluddin explained that the increase in ranking in the list of World's Best Airports continued the positive trend since 5 years ago in line with the digital transformation that the company has carried out since 2016.

Since carrying out the digital transformation, Soekarno-Hatta Airport's ranking has increased in succession from year to year, where in 2017 it was ranked 44, then in 2018 it was ranked 45, then in 2019 it rose to rank 40, in 2020 it rose to rank 35, and now in 2021 it will rise to 34th place again.

"Digital transformation is followed by the implementation of state of the art technology through various digital-based service products to provide an airport digital journey experience for airplane passengers. A number of digital-based service products that are presented include the iMATE Lounge, travel application, Digital Airport Hotel, as well as Skytrain facilities. , and so on," he explained.

Then, Soekarno-Hatta Airport's second achievement at the 2021 Skytrax World Airport Awards was to win The 2021 COVID-19 Airport Excellence Awards as an airport that is able to implement the best health protocols, the best hygienic protocols, and the best security protocols in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Skytrax stated that this award is given to appreciate airports that are able to provide the highest standards in the world regarding hygiene systems, social distancing, and other security measures to protect customers from COVID-19.

Measurements were made on the COVID-19 information signage area, mandatory use of masks, availability of hand sanitizers, social distancing markers, mandatory social distancing implementation including in the dining area, hygiene/hygienic procedures in security protocols, social distancing in security or immigration areas, terminal cleanliness and cleanliness of the restroom/toilet.

"We are very grateful to customers or airplane passengers who judge that Soekarno-Hatta Airport has properly implemented health protocols and pays attention to hygienic aspects. This appreciation is an encouragement for AP II and all stakeholders to be closer in the midst of this pandemic to ensure the operation of Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Hatta can always be opened 24 hours a day to maintain national air connectivity and carry out its role as Indonesia's main gateway," Muhammad Awaluddin said.

The health protocol at Soekarno-Hatta Airport was also strengthened by the opening of the Airport Health Center which provides COVID-19 tests and a Vaccine Center for all airplane passengers.

In addition, AP II also applies the concept of Biosafety and Biosecurity Management to protect all workers, airport visitors and airplane passengers from COVID-19.

Furthermore, the third achievement for Soekarno-Hatta Airport is winning the Top 10 Best Airport Staff in Asia 2021. This award is given for customer assessment of the quality of service provided by front-line staff at the airport, measuring attitude, friendliness, and efficiency. Front-line staff include customer service officers or information counters, immigration staff, security staff, retail, food & beverages, and other staff who deal directly with customers.

"In 2021, Soekarno-Hatta Airport again won the Best Airport Staff in Asia award after previously receiving this award in 2019. We are very grateful to have the best staff in the national airport sector, who despite being in the midst of this pandemic can still provide the best efforts for customers, " he said.

Then, the fourth achievement for Soekarno-Hatta Airport at the 2021 Skytrax World Airport Awards was to be ranked 6th in the world's best in the World's Best Airport by Passenger Number 2021 for the category of 20-25 million passengers per year.

Muhammad Awaluddin said the award from Skytrax shows that Soekarno-Hatta Airport is in the top 10 as the best airport in the world for the category of passenger movement of 20-25 million passengers per year.

Skytrax World Airport Awards 2021 is a prestigious world-class event that awards the best airports in the world based on a survey with respondents from more than 100 countries involved.