Novel Baswedan Hopes President Jokowi Will Not Let Firli Bahuri Et Al Do Disobedience

JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inactive investigator Novel Baswedan hopes that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will not remain silent about the disobedience of his leadership regarding the process of transferring staff status. Novel asked the president to see the actions taken by Firli Bahuri et al as a serious problem.

"I hope that the President sees this and will not allow such actions," Novel said at an online press conference, Friday, August 6.

He said the reluctance of the anti-corruption commission leadership to take corrective action from the Ombudsman regarding the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) was not the first insubordination. Previously, they had also ignored the decisions of the Constitutional Court (MK) and Jokowi's own orders.

For this reason, Novel hopes that the Ombudsman can put pressure on the KPK leadership to carry out its obligations. Moreover, the finding of maladministration in the test which is a condition for transfer of status is a serious matter because it is related to manipulation and integrity problems.

Those two things, he continued, should be very embarrassing if done by the KPK. However, Novel sees that this is not a problem for Firli Bahuri et al.

In addition, Novel also hopes that the mastermind behind this problematic employee status transfer process can be clearer. So, those who have an interest can be identified.

"Hopefully in the future we can find out more clearly, who is doing it, what are their interests, and who is behind all these people who have interests," he said.

Previously reported, four corrective actions issued by the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding the findings of maladministration and abuse of authority in the implementation of the TWK refused to be carried out by the KPK. This institution emphasized that the test should not be interfered with by other parties.

"We raise our objections to following up on the corrective actions suggested by the Indonesian Ombudsman to the KPK," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron, Thursday, August 5.

Four corrective actions submitted by the Ombudsman were asking the KPK leadership to continue to transfer the status of Novel Baswedan and 74 other employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Next, the Ombudsman asked the KPK not to use TWK as the basis for the dismissal of 75 employees. Then, the anti-corruption commission was asked to carry out official education regarding national insight for employees who were terminated because they did not pass the TWK.

Finally, the KPK was asked to explain to its employees about the consequences of implementing TWK in the form of information or legal documents.