Legal Observer Calls Dinar Candy Just Looking For Sensation

JAKARTA - The action of Dinar Candy who deliberately wore a bikini to protest the government's policy regarding the extension of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) led to the naming of a suspect on suspicion of pornography. However, behind that, there is an assumption that Dinar Candy's action is only seeking sensation.

Law expert at Al Azhar University, Suparji Ahmad, said that the alleged sensation-seeking could be seen from a person's background. If you have a history of doing sensational acts, then it's possible that this is the motive behind them.

"Looking at the background in question and the actions taken yesterday, they are mutually correlated. This means that judging a person cannot be separated from his background from his previous habits. sensation," said Suparji to VOI, Friday, August 6.

Moreover, continued Suparji, the act of wearing a bikini on the street is not a way to protest a good policy. There are still many ways that can be done elegantly.

Then, if the act of wearing a bikini was deliberately carried out by Dinar, then, there are already thoughts regarding the impact that will be obtained from his actions.

"Because if he intends to protest, it is clear that it is not the proportion or the path of such a protest. If he intends to do something on purpose, it will put the person concerned at risk," said Suparji.

With that reason and basis, it is suspected that one of the reasons for Dinar Candy to carry out pornographic elements is just to seek sensation. So, it is hoped that it will get the attention of many people.

"So there is a tendency that the person concerned is looking for sensation or seeking attention. Maybe with that action people will pay attention to the person concerned," said Suparji.

Separately, clinical and forensic psychologist Kasandra Putranto could not speak much about the alleged motive behind Dinar Candy's action. According to him, a detailed examination is needed to find out.

"I only need a formal psychological examination to be able to answer the motive," said Kasandra.

In fact, the psychological examination will not rule out the possibility of revealing another reason Dinar did the pornographic act.

"For example, psychological disorders that may be the background, awareness of behavior, elements of regret, and whether there is a drug effect," said Kasandra.