5 Facts About Lotus Flowers, The Beauty Who Lives In Water

JAKARTA - You must be familiar with the lotus flower. Yes, lotus flowers or water lilies are often used to beautify the appearance of fish ponds at home and can grow in various very beautiful shapes and colors.

Besides being used as an ornamental plant in the middle of a pond, it turns out that the lotus flower also has many unique facts that are rarely known and make you curious. Adapting the Dekoruma page, Friday, August 6, just read the information through the article below!

Lotus Flower Growth in Mud Water

Another fact of the lotus flower is that when you are in muddy water, you will see a lotus flower that looks more attractive. Muddy water gives the impression of contrast, where the original color of the lotus flower will look more concentrated and brilliant. Thus, the muddy water that used to seem dirty will also look beautiful.

Lotus Flower Beneficial for Water Ecosystem

Not only has a very beautiful appearance, the lotus flower also has an important role in the aquatic ecosystem. This is caused by the growth of the lotus flower that takes place above the water surface so that it can keep the water cool. Thus, the lotus flower can also help protect fish in the water from direct sunlight.

Various Lotus Flower Variations

Just like other flowers, the lotus flower also consists of various types throughout the world. At least, there are more than 50 different species, each of which has a variety of colors and shapes. In fact, there is also the largest lotus flower from the tropics in South America which can grow to a diameter of 1.8 meters and can support loads of up to 30 kilograms.

The Lotus Flower Comes From Egypt

Lotus flowers are often found in the tropics. However, there is a unique fact because the lotus flower originally came from Egypt. In this country, the lotus flower symbolizes the sun and rebirth. In fact, the lotus flower was often involved in Ancient Egyptian ceremonies until it finally spread to other countries, such as Greece and India through the spread of Buddhism.

The Lotus Flower Never Gets Wet

The lotus flower has a leaf shape that is thin, but wide so it reduces the pressure under the water and will always float. In addition, the lotus flower also has leaves with a waxy coating surface so that the dripping water will not make it wet and only form water droplets.