Students In Bukittinggi Become Victims Of Beatings, Police Intervene

JAKARTA - The Bukittinggi Police, West Sumatra has received a report on allegations of beatings by several students against a 14-year-old victim. This report is handled by the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the Bukittinggi Police, West Sumatra.

"There are reports of complaints coming in from the victim's parents regarding allegations of abuse and violence against minors," said Amelia Chandra, Head of the Three PPA Aipda, at the Bukittinggi Police, as reported by Antara, Thursday, August 6.

He said, according to provisional information from the victim, currently there are five people suspected of being the perpetrators of the incident of beating the victim.

"According to provisional information, the dispute started from a conversation on a social media chat application that touched on underwear, which led to a fight and ended in beatings," he said.

Aipda Amelia explained that the victim was then taken to the crime scene and was beaten and kicked by the perpetrators.

"Our current investigation has asked for information from the victim and examined witnesses from the victim's family, we have also taken evidence in the form of the clothes the victim was wearing at the time of the incident," he said.

He said the police had also obtained the results of the victim's post-mortem and secured evidence in the form of video recordings and photos at the time of the incident.

"The perpetrator could be threatened with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 with a criminal threat of more than five years," he said. non-criminal proceedings.

"We are obliged to diversify between victims and perpetrators to find a middle ground and justice, such as peace or the like," he said.

He added that the perpetrator, who turned out to be from a friend from a different school with the victim, would be called and questioned and questioned in the near future.

The victim's sister, Vina, added that the perpetrators of the abuse against her sister were not from the victim's school friends.

"Most of them are not my sister's school friends, but that's just from a glimpse of what is seen in the video evidence, hopefully the police will soon find whoever beat our sister," he said again.