About Akidi Tio's Rp2 Trillion 'Prank', Commission III Of The DPR: Must Be A Lesson For The Police

JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Herman Herry, reminded the Indonesian police to be more careful in responding to complaints or assistance from residents in the form of donations, as did Akidi Tio's family.

According to him, the fictitious contribution of Rp. 2 trillion should be a lesson for the National Police, especially the South Sumatra Police.
"For what has happened, let it be a lesson for all of us, including the South Sumatra Police, to be more vigilant in the future," said Herman, Friday, August 6.

On the other hand, the PDIP politician asked all parties not to blame the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri after apologizing for Akidi Tio's fictitious contribution of Rp. 2 trillion.

However, Herman appealed to the police, especially the South Sumatra Police, to be even more vigilant in the future. According to him, the attitude of the South Sumatra Police Chief is because he wants to think positively towards the community.
"I ask all parties not to immediately blame the South Sumatra Police Chief, because as a protector and public servant he thinks positively of every child of the nation who has good intentions to do something for the community," said Herman. it's not quite right. But, said Herman, the problem is still very technical.

"The mechanism adopted is not smart enough so that it seems to be deceived, that's another matter and is very technical," he said.