Families No Longer Want To Be Vaccinated, If The Government Doesn't Explain The Death Of The Fauqi Trio

JAKARTA - Trio Fauqi's autopsy results disappointed the family and admitted that they no longer wanted to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination. Even though vaccination can actually create herd immunity, Zakiah and her family are reluctant to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination again.

Moreover, the results of the autopsy on Trio's body, which had previously been promised by the health center doctor to Zakiah, were only for a maximum of 2 weeks. When Zakiah waited for up to a month, the results of the autopsy did not come out.

Zakiah was back waiting another month. Exactly about 2 months of waiting, the long awaited autopsy results of his third son finally came out. But it did not satisfy him and his family.

"The result is unsatisfactory, it even disappoints my heart as the mother of the late Trio Fauqi Firdaus," Zakiah told reporters at her son's funeral site, Thursday, August 5.

Furthermore, which made Zakiah wonder, her son died after being vaccinated. Moreover, the autopsy showed no comorbidities.

"There is no disease that causes my child's death here. But Komnas KIPI or the surgeon does not admit that my child died from being vaccinated. This is very painful, sir, because it is floating," he regretted.

Zakiah stated that if her third son died of an illness, then she could understand it.

"If my child dies of an illness, I'm sincere. If my child dies from being vaccinated, I may accept it sincerely. What's important is clear," said Zakiah in a surprised tone.

"But if the answers are not found to be comorbid or not because of the vaccine, then what is the cause of Trio's death? The family wants to be clear, so that our family can also get vaccinated again," he added.