Rudi Akidi Tio's Family Will Be Questioned By The South Sumatra Police Regarding The Donation Of Rp. 2 Trillion Of Bodong

PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Police will examine a new witness in the case of the settlement of a polemic of a grant of Rp2 trillion from the family of the late Akidi Tio.

The new witness was named Rudi, one of Akidi Tio's family members who also attended the ceremony for the handover of the grant plaque at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Supriadi, said that Rudi would soon be examined by general criminal investigators to obtain additional evidence so that a legal construction was formed in the case.

"Rudi was immediately summoned to ask for clarification on what he knew, because he was also present at the handover process last week," he said. the family of the son of the late Akidi Tio), Dr. Hardi Darmawan (the family's personal doctor) and one other person whose identity is not yet known.

According to him, the investigative team will continue to supervise and examine the witnesses and it is possible that there will be an increase in status in the future.

This includes ensuring that the investigative team will continue to trace the identity of the owner of the account number listed in the bilyet giro (proof of disbursement) of grant funds worth Rp. 2 trillion from witness Heryanti Tio.

"We are still waiting for the response from the banking authority (Bank Indonesia) regarding the identity check permit," he said.

Because even though the Kapolda has forgiven the actions of the witnesses, it does not mean that the legal process will be stopped, but that it will be completed completely.

"The apology was personally from the regional police chief, but we are still exploring the problem (legally) and we are still investigating," said Kombes Supriadi.