Although The Double Data Matching Of DKI-Kemensos Social Assistance Recipients Has Never Been Completed, The Deputy Governor Claims Good Coordination

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria claimed that the coordination between the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the distribution of cash social assistance (BST) was going well.

In fact, until now there are still more than 99 thousand DKI residents who have not received the distribution of BST because the dual data matching of beneficiaries has not been resolved between the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"The coordination with the Ministry of Social Affairs is good, the relationship is good. We coordinate everything well," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 5.

Riza admitted that currently the process of matching the data of BST recipients recorded in these two agencies has not been completed. However, he said that it was not difficult for Jakarta to update the data.

"In Jakarta, it is not difficult to collect data. The distance is close, everything is recorded. Now, the duplicate data will be checked again," he said.

It is known that the DKI Provincial Government is still holding BST stages 5 and 6 to 99,450 KPM until now. From 1,007,379 targets, DKI has only distributed BST to 907,616 KPM. Head of the DKI Social Service, Premi Lasari, explained that the reason the Provincial Government withheld the distribution of BST was because nearly 100 thousand KPMs were registered in the targets of the two distributors, namely the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Premi admitted that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had sent a letter to the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the certainty of the double data so that residents affected by COVID-19 and who were the target recipients of all assistance could immediately receive BST. , address, who receives it," said Premi some time ago. Responding to this, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini admitted that she did not know about the letter from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding double BST data that needed to be verified and validated. delivered by DKI," said Risma on Tuesday, August 3.