Black Never Fails To Make Sophia Latjuba Look Elegant In These 7 Photos

JAKARTA - Sophia Latjuba's beauty is unquestionable. Even though she is 50 years old, Sophia always looks stunning. Even in some of her appearances, Sophia is no less stylish than her son.

One of the colors Sophia often wears is black. With a neat mix and match, Sophia looks elegant in several photos on Instagram @sophia_latjuba88.

It seems that the words of the top Italian designer, Ricardo Tisci about the color black are true. "Black is always elegant, the most complete color in the world, and is created from all the combinations of colors in the palette."

Even black got the nickname king of color. But nothing can compete with the king of color, black! This color never dies. Black is not just a color, it literally speaks of a way of life.

For those who like to play with colors in clothes, black can definitely be combined with any color. Dressed in black, Sophia Latjuba looks elegant and classy.

Many say people who like black are mysterious figures. But for Sophia Latjuba, black can make her charisma shine even more.

The neutral black color also makes it suitable for various skin tones. Sophia Latjuba's beauty is even more prominent.

If there is one failure that black does, it is the assumption that this color has a slim effect on the body. The dark black color is able to disguise unwanted body curves.

In fact, Sophia Latjuba has a proportional body shape so that even without black she still looks charming.