His Client Accuses Ivermectin Drug Business, Otto Hasibuan To ICW: This Fulfills Criminal Elements, ITE Law

JAKARTA - Moeldoko's lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, said that the accusations by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) against his client regarding the Ivermectin drug business and rice exports had met a criminal element. The allegation is considered a violation of the ITE Law.

"This morning we spoke to our client, Mr. Moeldoko. We actually think from a legal point of view that this has fulfilled the criminal element as contained in the ITE Law," Otto said at an online press conference, Thursday, August 5.

However, continued Otto, his client did not want to immediately bring up this matter to the police. Thus, it was decided to send a second subpoena.

Where, the content of the subpoena asks ICW to prove Moeldoko's involvement in all the accusations made. The summons will be sent on Friday, August 6th.

"Tomorrow we will send another second subpoena to Egi's brother and his friends," he said.

On the other hand, Otto also rejected the assumption that ICW's statement was only a criticism, so it could not be punished. According to him, these statements are pure accusations that deserve to be proven true.

"If the criticism can't be done, it won't be punished. But this is not a criticism, this is an accusation," said Otto.

Previously, Moeldoko demanded an apology from ICW for his alleged involvement with PT Harsen Laboratories, which is the drug manufacturer Ivermectin. The request was sent through a subpoena.

In addition, Moeldoko also demanded that ICW researcher Egi Primayogha submit evidence for the accusations which he considered slander.

"I give the opportunity to ICW and to Brother Egi within 1x24 hours to prove his allegation that our client is involved in the distribution of Ivermectin," said Otto.