Bobby Nasution Monitors TPU COVID-19: Less Than Half An Hour There Are 2 Ambulances Between The Bodies

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution visited the Medan COVID-19 Public Cemetery (TPU), on Jalan Bunga Rampai 4, Medan Tuntungan District.

Bobby Nasution saw the readiness of TPU C COVID-19 facilities and infrastructure. He witnessed several bodies exposed to COVID-19 buried.

"We've only been here for half an hour, and we have seen 2 ambulances delivering the bodies. There is also a funeral procession and another one is still waiting, and it came in again and there are already 3 (bodies)," said Bobby Nasution, Thursday, August 5.

Therefore, Bobby Nasution reminded the public of the dangers of spreading the corona virus.

"Yesterday's data was 100 (bodies) as of yesterday. From the last week, there were 100 plus today 7, meaning 107 (bodies)," he added.

The Mayor of Medan asked Medan residents to continue to apply health protocols.

"We say we need to handle this together. It's better to prevent it, it's better to prevent it, because if you've been exposed, what can we do to improve a good immune system, take vitamins, how the strength of the body depends on ourselves," he said.

Currently, said Bobby Nasution, there have been 1,581 bodies buried at the Medan COVID-19 TPU since 2020. Medan COVID-19 TPU, he said, can accommodate up to 5,000 graves.

"Don't think there is still a place, but think about preventing it. If possible, don't reach the 2,000 mark by means of prevention," he explained.

Bobby revealed that the spread of COVID-19 in the city of Medan continued to increase. From the data as of August 4, Bobby Nasution said, there were 752 people who were confirmed positive for the corona virus.

"Yesterday our record was 731 positive. This is 752, the spread is so fast. Let's follow the prokes. We do restrictions, not to punish violations," said Bobby.