BPK Findings: Anies Was Caught Wasting Rp5.85 Billion Budget For Purchasing Masks

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found that there was a waste of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's budget for the purchase of N95 Respirator masks of up to IDR 5 billion. This budget is taken from the 2020 DKI Regional Budget Unexpected Expenditure Post (BTT).

This was conveyed through a report on the results of the examination of the 2020 DKI Provincial Government financial statements which were approved by the Head of DKI BPK Pemut Aryo Wibowo.

In his report, Pemut explained that the DKI Provincial Government purchased masks of the same type to two different companies, namely PT IDS and PT ALK, at different prices.

"The above problems have resulted in a waste of regional finances worth IDR 5,850,000,000," Pemut wrote in the report, quoted on Thursday, August 5.

To PT IDS, the DKI Health Office made a contract to purchase masks three times based on the minutes of contract completion with a total of 89 thousand masks. This Minutes was passed on August 5, 2020, September 28, and October 6.

DKI bought 39 thousand pieces of masks to PT IDS at a unit price of Rp. 70 thousand for the first purchase. Then, buy another 30 thousand pieces with a unit price of Rp. 60 thousand on the second purchase. Then, the third purchase of 20 thousand pieces with a unit price of Rp. 60 thousand.

Then, the DKI Provincial Government also purchased N95 Respirator masks of the same type from PT ALK. Minutes of contract procurement were passed on 30 November.

There is also the number of masks procured to PT ALK as many as 195,000 pieces of masks with a price per item of Rp 90 thousand.

From these two purchases, BPK confirmed that PT IDS was able to procure 200 thousand pieces of N95 Respirator masks because the stock was available. However, it turns out that the DKI Provincial Government has purchased a similar type of mask from PT ALK.

Pemut stated that the commitment making officials (PPK) of the DKI Provincial Government should be able to prioritize principles that are beneficial to the state by choosing to procure goods that are cheaper and of the same quality.

"If you procure goods of the same type and quality, you should negotiate a minimum price with the same price for other respirators (N95) that meet the requirements or even lower than the previous procurement," said Pemut.

Thus, Pemut considered that KDP was not careful in managing regional finances economically, namely obtaining goods of a certain quality and quantity at the lowest price level.