After Serving Caucasian Guests, Woman Dies At Padang Galak Localization Denpasar

DENPASAR - The woman with the initials H (51) was found dead in the localization of Jalan Padang Galak, Denpasar Bali. This woman is said to have served Caucasian guests.

"The brief chronology of (the victim) has finished serving foreign guests," said Head of the Public Relations Sub-section of Denpasar Police Iptu I Ketut Sukadi, Thursday, August 5.

This woman died in bed. There was blood coming out of his mouth. Police said there were no signs of violence.

"(However) we are still waiting for an examination from the doctor to determine the cause of death of the victim," said Sukadi.

This woman was found dead in the lokalisasi on Wednesday, August 4. According to the location manager, Sahami alias Nur, the victim has been living at the location for 2 months.

At that time, the witness could hear voices asking for help from the victim. When approached, the victim was still alive.

"A few moments later the witness rechecked the victim's condition, and the witness found that the victim's mouth was bleeding. Furthermore, because of the fear of seeing this, the witness then asked for help from local residents," said Iptu Sukadi.