The Propaganda Game That Strikes Hong Kong Demonstrators

JAKARTA - Demonstrations that lasted for months in Hong Kong, inspired game developers to develop new games. But unfortunately, the game that was inspired by the Hong Kong demo actually contained propaganda.

Launching the South China Morning Post or SCMP, a game titled 'Fight the Traitors Together' allows its players to attack Hong Kong protesters dressed in black. The impression of propaganda is also implied by the title of the game which reads "Hong Kong is part of China, and this cannot be undermined by outside powers."

This game can be played for free on the web. When starting the game, players will immediately see the Chinese word which is interpreted as traitor, by inciting protests in Hong Kong, colluding with Western powers and cornering the Chinese government.

It is not yet known who the creators of this game are, but a Global Times article suggests there is an element of Fight the Traitors Together propaganda. When viewed from Chinese social media, there is almost no evidence of people playing this game. No doubt the game promotes violence and intolerance towards Hong Kong protesters.

Hong Kong activist figures such as Joshua Wong and Nathan Law are illustrated in cartoon characters who are targeted by players' attacks. Apart from slapping, the players can also hit them with sandals and baseball bats.

This game certainly contradicts the reality of the demonstrations that have flared up in the semi-autonomous region since last June. This is because millions of protesters took to the streets to reject the extradition bill which was revoked last October.

One of the Hong Kong activists, Martin Lee (game screen capture of Hit the Traitors)

It is true that the mass actions of the Hong Kong demonstrators often ended up being anarchic and filled with police brutality. Demonstrators continue to try to get rid of Beijing's political influence in the region. They also demanded democratic elections which have yet to come to fruition.

If this game cornered the Hong Kong demonstrators and distorted the facts, and contained propaganda. There were also games that the demonstrating masses made directly as a form of their support.

a game developed by Hong Kong protesters

The game released on the Steam platform, entitled Liberate Hong Kong, allows you to play in the perspective of the masses of demonstrators. Where the players have to try to escape from the police and throw back tear gas which was fired at the protesters.

The game graphics offered also look more attractive by taking the elements of a third person perspective (TPP). The player will be one of the demonstrators who stand on the front lines to fight the police brutality against the demonstrators.

6 Months Hong Kong Demo

Monday, December 9 yesterday, marked six months of public rallies in Hong Kong to reject the controversial extradition bill. Thousands of people took to the streets and returned to give speeches rejecting the government's decision.

As many as 800.00 to 183 thousand people attended the post-victory demonstration by pro-democracy activists and the passage of the Human Rights and Democracy Law by the US. The masses again called for a desire to be free from China.

They wore black clothes and carried banners reading "Fight for Freedom! Stand up for Hong Kong!".

Hong Kong protests began in June over a controversial extradition bill, and have now developed into a broader anti-government demonstration. The demonstrations had subsided after the big victory of pro-democracy politicians in the Hong Kong District elections on November 24.