Advantages Of Farming Using Polybags

JAKARTA - The use of polybags for planting crops currently seems to be in vogue, especially for those who do not have a yard or garden with limited land. In addition, how to grow plants in polybags also tends to be easy. In addition to the two advantages above, VOI will discuss four other advantages that you can get if you grow crops using polybags. Anything? Read more below, yes.

The price of polybags is more affordable

When compared to pots, the price of polybags is certainly much more affordable, so many people tend to use these plant containers.

No need to cultivate the land

No need to bother thinking about tilling the soil to become a planting medium. When you choose polybags for planting, you only need to mix garden soil, sand, and compost in a 1:1:1 ratio. Then, you are ready to grow crops using polybags.

Plants are stronger

Believe it or not, you will get better and stronger plants if you use polybags. This is because when using polybags, the provision of fertilizers and other nutrients to plants is really more controlled. Both water and fertilizer given to plants can also be absorbed by the roots more quickly because the size of the polybag is not large. As a result, plants become stronger and more fertile.

Easy to move

Do you often feel bored to see the same plants in your yard? If you plant using polybags, every time you feel bored, you can immediately rearrange the plants without having to worry about disturbing the growth and development of the transferred plants.