6 Latest Portraits Of Tyas Mirasih Who Were Sued For Divorce By Her Husband

JAKARTA - Raiden Soedjono sued for divorce from Tyas Mirasih to the South Jakarta Religious Court. The divorce file has been received by including several reasons for her husband's divorce suit.

Raiden Soedjono's divorce suit against Tyas Mirasih is registered with case number 2663/PDT.G/2021/PA.JS., with the type of divorce being talak. Raiden Soedjono registered the divorce suit on August 3, 2021 via e-court.

"The Mirasih Tyas Endah Binti Sirman Widiatmo case has been filed for divorce. So the one who filed is Raden Muhamad Soedjono Bin Hasan M Soedjono as the applicant, because the type of case is the type of divorce divorce," said Taslimah, the South Jakarta PA Public Relations representative quoted from YouTube Channel KH Entertainment, Thursday, August 5th.

"The reasons include the identity of the parties, both the plaintiff and the defendant. Then the reason is because there has been a marriage between the two parties. During the period of their marriage there have been events that have occurred so that there is property resulting from their marriage. That is the reason," he added. .

In his lawsuit, Raiden Soedjono wants to fight for the distribution of the assets. there is wealth that is produced from their marriage. That is the reason, "he explained.

Meanwhile, the first mediation process will be held in the next two weeks. "The case has been scheduled for trial today, August 4, 2021 and the agenda for the first hearing is later on August 16, 2021, Monday. The court of course, apart from reconciling, the process is mediated. ," continued Taslimah.

Tyas Mirasih himself has not yet responded to the news of the divorce. In her personal Instagram, @tyasmirasih, it appears that there are no photos of her together with her husband. Even when exposed to COVID-19, Tyas was always alone and did not appear to have any support from her husband.