Guide To Studying In Schools In The Green Zone Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has allowed areas that are included in the COVID-19 green zone category to carry out learning activities in schools in the 2020-2021 school year.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim divides the two phases of face-to-face learning. First, learning in the transitional period for the first two months. If the learning condition is still declared safe from the spread of COVID-19, it will continue to the second phase, namely a new habit period.

During the transition period, educational institutions that may conduct face-to-face learning in July are SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMTK, and SMP, Package C, Package B, and other high and middle level agencies.

"After two months, if everything is still OK, the zone category is still green, then they can open SD, MI, and SLB," Nadiem said in a virtual press conference, Monday, June 15.

Then, early childhood education (PAUD) is the last educational institution allowed to carry out face-to-face learning activities. The time is about 5 months from the new school year.

"Why are we being cleansed at the youngest educational unit or at the lowest level? Because for them it is even more difficult for them to do social distancing, especially for SD and PAUD," said Nadiem.

Nadiem requires educational institutions to regulate classroom conditions which will later carry out face-to-face learning. In secondary, basic, and special schools, there must be a minimum guarding distance of 1.5 meters. Meanwhile, PAUD must apply a minimum distance of 3 meters.

The number of days and hours of study is also limited by the shift system. This division is determined by each educational unit based on their respective situations and needs.

In the shift arrangement for primary, secondary, and special schools, classrooms are reduced by 50 percent. Meanwhile, in PAUD, it can only be around 30 percent of the capacity of students in one shift.

"However, once there are additional cases or the level of regional risk increases, the education unit must be closed again," said Nadiem.

Meanwhile, boarding schools and madrasah in the green zone still have to carry out learning activities from home and are prohibited from opening dormitories and face-to-face learning during the transition period (the first two months).

Dormitory opening and face-to-face learning are carried out gradually during the new habit period by following the provisions for filling dormitory capacity.

Furthermore, for education units in the green zone, the head of the education unit is required to complete the readiness checklist according to the Health Ministry's health protocol.

"The Ministry of Education and Culture will publish various guidance materials such as special programs on TVRI, infographics, posters, pocket books, and other materials that need attention in the face-to-face learning phase in the green zone," he added.