Elementary School Students In Surabaya Collect Donations For Handling COVID-19 From Rice, Sugar To Instant Noodles

SURABAYA - Elementary school students in the city of Surabaya participated in collecting donations for COVID-19 assistance. They are called to take an active role in helping the 'Surabaya Calling' Movement, in handling COVID-19.

The Principal of SD Negeri 1 Airlangga, Materai Faridhin, said that through this activity, it is hoped that students will develop awareness and empathy from an early age for the COVID-19 environment. Especially at this time are residents who are affected by COVID-19.

"We made a circular through the Whatsapp group, that we are accommodating for children who want to donate to Surabaya Calling. It turns out that there has been a good response from the parents of students, so since Monday it has been crowded to give some of their sustenance," said Materai, in Surabaya, Wednesday. , August 4th.

According to Materai, the students came to school with various kinds of aid, ranging from instant noodles, cooking oil, sugar to rice. The COVID-19 care activity has been carried out since Monday, August 2.

The mechanism, said Materai, is that each class has a distribution schedule determined by the educators. In fact, in order to avoid crowds, he said that there was one class that was distributed for two days. After all the assistance has been collected, the plan is that the assistance will be handed over to the Surabaya City Government through the Principal's Working Group Activities (K3S).

"So we will collect this donation for two weeks so that we don't gather together and continue to run the health protocol (prokes) strictly. So on the 12th we will hand it over," he said.

The stamp duty ensured that to this day the donations that had been collected were dominated by rice and instant noodles. In fact, not a few of these students also added assistance, from those that had been determined, such as tea or milk.

"Students who are inclusive also donate. They themselves donate. Thank you parents for all of your support," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Airlangga 1 Elementary School Committee, Agil Torresia Nirwanasari, added that his party supports the school's efforts to foster empathy for children.

Therefore, he and other committee members will continue to fully support the various social activities held at the school.

"Moreover, to overcome the COVID-19 problem, we also often carry out social activities, so whenever there is an activity, we are ready to help," said Agil.