Many Empty Beds In Galang Island Hospital, Coordinating Minister For PMK Requests Optimized Use

JAKARTA - The Galang Island Hospital for Infection (RSKI) in the Riau Islands has only treated 57 patients with COVID-19 cases to date. In fact, the referral hospital built to anticipate the explosion of the COVID-19 case has a capacity of 360 beds.

At the direction of President Joko Widodo, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said, this hospital must be maximized by the local government to handle the COVID-19 outbreak.

"At Pak President's direction, he asked that this hospital be used more optimally. Not only (used) by Indonesian citizens who come from abroad but also by local governments in handling COVID-19 cases," Muhadjir said as quoted in his written statement, Monday, June 15th.

This optimal utilization, he said, must be done. Given that the quarantine room of Galang Island Hospital is far away. Thus, the possibility of transmission is very small or even impossible.

Apart from being used by the local government, Muhadjir assessed that this hospital could also be used by patients from other provinces outside the Riau Islands. Including, for Indonesian citizens who have just come from abroad.

"What we have to anticipate next is the arrival of Indonesian citizens from abroad, such as from Malaysia and Singapore. Likewise, the congregation of Tabligh Akbar from India, which numbers around 700 people, can be handled on Galang Island, "he said.

Regarding the technicalities, the Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir handed over to a team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, he advised the Riau Islands Provincial Government to coordinate with the Ministry of Social Affairs to prepare other anticipations, such as preparing other hospitals by utilizing the Trauma Center Protection House (RPTC) both in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands, and in Jakarta.

Muhadjir also reminded all parties to continue to be vigilant with various possibilities. Including, the possibility of illegal workers who have been sent back from abroad through the crossing by boat.

"That's what we have to really watch out for and become our target to monitor lest cases of positive transmission of COVID-19 occur," he said.

"For the use of RSKI Pulau Galang, I once again ask for coordination from the Task Force Team and the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as for the equipment needed such as PCR and also incentives for volunteers so that the Minister of Health can immediately follow up," he concluded.