West Java Slopes, Hospital Bed Occupancy Becomes 50 Percent

JAKARTA - The bed occupancy rate (BOR) in hospitals in West Java Province decreased to 50.35 percent after the implementation of level 3 and 4 community activity restrictions.

Hospital BOR in West Java, which on July 20, 2021, before the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) levels 3 and 4, was still 77.04 percent, decreased to 50.35 percent on August 3, 2021, according to data from the West Java COVID-19 Information and Coordination Center. (Pikobar).

"Hospital occupancy has consistently decreased since the Emergency PPKM was implemented until the current extension of PPKM Levels 3 and 4," said the Daily Head of the West Java COVID-19 Task Force, Daud Achmad in Bandung, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

"This good news must be accompanied by increasing community discipline in implementing health procedures and continuing to expand the range of vaccinations so that BOR can continue to fall," he added.

According to Pikobar data, the total number of hospitals in the West Java region is 387 hospitals, including 337 hospitals that treat COVID-19 patients and 50 hospitals that do not treat COVID-19 patients.

On August 3, 2021, the number of occupied hospital beds was 9,652 or 50.35 percent of the total 19,171 available beds.

However, there are still districts/cities where the hospital bed occupancy rate is above 50 percent.

According to data from the West Java COVID-19 Handling Task Force, areas with a high occupancy rate for hospital beds on Tuesday (3/8) include Majalengka Regency (68.7 percent), Depok City (63.87 percent), Tasikmalaya City. (63.71 percent), Tasikmalaya Regency (62.32 percent), and Ciamis Regency (62.07 percent).

The occupancy rate of isolation facilities for COVID-19 patients in West Java, according to Pikobar data, has also decreased to 24.08 percent on Monday (2/8). Sukabumi Regency (72.5 percent), Cirebon City (62.31 percent), Cianjur Regency (56.21 percent), Karawang Regency (46.52 percent), and Bandung City (41.48 percent).

In addition to trying to increase the capacity of hospital services and quarantine facilities, the West Java Provincial Government distributed drug and vitamin packages to support the recovery of COVID-19 sufferers who are self-isolating at home.

"As of August 2, 13,167 packages of drugs and vitamins have been distributed and received by residents," said Daud.

Other COVID-19 prevention and control efforts, such as the enforcement of health protocols, the activity of checking and tracking cases, as well as the implementation of vaccinations are also still being carried out.