Good News For Healthcare Workers In Cirebon And Indramayu, Kimia Farma Distributes 15,900 Supplements And Vitamin Packages

JAKARTA - Kimia Farma Group handed over assistance of 15.900 packages of supplements and vitamins in the second wave through the "Our Movement with Health Workers" to health workers in Cirebon and Indramayu Regencies, West Java.

President Director of PT Kimia Farma Apotek (KFA) Nurtjahjo Walujo Wibowo said KFA provided supplements and vitamins to health workers, especially in the red and black zones of COVID-19 to help maintain their immunity and health in handling patients. The aid package consisting of Fituno's dietary supplements, vitamin C, vitamin D3, and 1.050 boxes of masks was handed over on Tuesday, August 3.

"Thank God, we were able to distribute the second wave of aid distribution to health workers in Cirebon and Indramayu. This time we distributed 15.900 supplement packages, vitamin C, vitamin D, and 1.050 boxes of masks to health workers. We hope this assistance can maintain their immunity and health for a long time help the community fight COVID-19", said Nurtjahjo in a press release, quoted from Antara.

Previously, on July 15, 2021, PT Kimia Farma Apotek distributed 5.500 starter packs to health workers in Surabaya and Malang, East Java. The assistance was given to health workers such as ambulance officers, funeral parlor officers, and nurses.

According to him, KFA took the initiative to create a social movement "We are with the Health Workers" as a form of concern for the surge in COVID-19 cases and support for health workers who are fighting on the front lines against the pandemic with their lives at stake.

In the delivery of this aid, Kimia Farma collaborated with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) represented by the Chairperson of IDI Cirebon Regency, dr. Ahmad Fariz, Sp.PD. and Chairman of IDI Indramayu Regency, Dr. Deden Bonni Koswara.

The handover was witnessed by Deputy Regent of Cirebon Wahyu Tjiptaningsih, Head of Cirebon District Health Office Enny Suhaeni, and health workers at Waled Hospital represented by nurses, radiology officers, mortuary officers, and ambulance officers.

Nurtjahjo explained that the Kita Bersama Nakes is an initiative of Kimia Farma Group, but he welcomes community members who are moved to help the health workers. The trick is to follow a special program at Kimia Farma Pharmacy. For every purchase of 5 boxes or bottles of multivitamins or supplements, consumers will get 1 additional box or bottle to donate to health workers.

"We open opportunities for people who want to help health workers. Through this special program, we ensure that community contributions will reach health workers who are working hard to restore the health of patients during this pandemic", added Nurtjahjo.

A total of 15.900 supplement and vitamin packages were handed over, consisting of 8.000 packages for health workers in Cirebon and 7.900 packages for health workers in Indramayu. Hospital assistance packages in Cirebon with details of RSUD Waled (COVID-19 Referral Hospital) receiving an allocation of 1.000 packages, Arjawinangun Hospital (COVID-19 Referral Hospital) as many as 1.000 packages.

Then another 6.000 packages were handed over to 60 Public Health Centers (Puskesmas) in Cirebon through the Health Office and representatives of the Puskesmas. Meanwhile, in Indramayu, KFA distributed 3.000 packages of vitamins and supplements for health workers in 3 hospitals and 4.900 packages for 49 Puskesmas. In addition to supplements and vitamins, Kimia Farma also donated 600 boxes of masks for health workers in Cirebon and 450 boxes for health workers in Indramayu.

Furthermore, the packages will be forwarded to doctors, nurses, ambulance officers, radiology officers, and mortuary officers, swab/rapid antigen test workers, including call center officers at the Puskesmas.

The general chairman of the Central IDI Dr. Daeng M Faqih through the IDI administrators of Cirebon and Indramayu Regencies appreciates Kimia Farma and the community's attention to the health of the health workers. He admitted, the health workers were getting busier during the COVID-19 spike in Cirebon. Based on data from PUSDICOVID Cirebon, the number of patients who self-isolated as many as 1,246 people, isolation in hospitals as many as 705 people, and 807 people died.

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent of Cirebon Wahyu Tjiptaningsih said this kind of care and support means a lot to health workers who have been at the forefront of handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially when there is a surge in positive COVID-19 patients, the activities of health workers are getting more intense so they need support to maintain their immunity and health.