Survey: KPK Ranks Fifth In The Most Trusted Public Institution, Losing To TNI And Polri

JAKARTA - The results of a survey conducted by the Institute for Democracy and Strategic Affairs (Indostrategic) show that the KPK is in fifth place as the institution most trusted by the public. Meanwhile in the first position is occupied by the TNI, and the Police are in the fourth position.

"The TNI is a state institution with the highest level of trust at 84.9 percent," said Indostrategic's written statement on Wednesday, August 4.

Then the next order is occupied by the presidential institution with a percentage reaching 79.8 percent; local government 76.3 percent; Police 73.4 percent; and the KPK 73.4 percent.

Next, this survey noted that the level of confidence in the Supreme Court (MA) was at 68.5 percent; Constitutional Court (MK) 67.83 percent; Attorney General's Office 65.8 percent; DPRD/DPD 63.38 percent; and the DPR RI 60.38 percent.

"While the lowest political party is 58.3 percent," the survey results wrote.

Furthermore, this survey also revealed that the level of public satisfaction with the performance of the administrations of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Ma'ruf Amin reached 60.4 percent. Where 8.51 percent of respondents said they were very satisfied and 52.25 percent said they were satisfied. Meanwhile, 35 percent of respondents said they were not satisfied with the government's performance, with details of 30.65 percent dissatisfied and 4.35 percent very dissatisfied. The remaining 4.6 percent of respondents answered they did not know or did not answer.

This survey was conducted on 23 March-1 June 2021 with a total of 2,400 respondents spread across 34 provinces. The survey was conducted using a multistage random method.

The survey was conducted face-to-face and continued to apply health protocols. The confidence level for this survey is 95 percent with a margin of error of 2 percent.

Confidence level survey results/screenshot