Greysia/Apriyani Flooded With Bonuses, Tompi: What Will I Give You? That Plastic Surgery Prize?"

JAKARTA – The response of the Indonesian people to welcome the achievements of athletes competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Especially for Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu who brought gold medals in the women's doubles badminton number.

Also participating, celebrities and businessmen gave gifts to the pair of athletes.

In his Twitter thread, Tuesday, August 3, Tompi, a musician who also works as a doctor, wants to give gifts related to his profession.

"Everyone wants to give a prize to the winner of the Olympic medal, what do you give me? The prize for plastic surgery is that?," wrote Doctor Tompi with the account name @dr_tompi ending with an emoticon of a somewhat doubtful and embarrassed expression.

As a plastic surgeon, Doctor Tompi appreciates the achievements made by a number of reliable Indonesian athletes. However, he felt unsure about what he had to offer.

Warganet on Twitter with the account @khairanii*** responded "Brother Tompi, thank you for other athletes, like Sis Nurul Akmal. very much love."

Additional 'bonuses' were promised from various parties. For Apriyani/Greysia, it's quite a mountain. Starting from apartments, Baso Aci Akang outlets, to free coffee for life at Filosofi Kopi and Filosofi Kopi Ride outlets.

Meanwhile, netizens also gave suggestions to "Just make a movie, doc" from @rosh****. Other netizens also responded with "Can you give me a ticket to watch "FINISHED"" which will only be shown in theaters in the middle of this month.