The Number Of Active Cases Of COVID-19 In The City Of Bandung Begins To Decrease

BANDUNG - The number of active COVID-19 cases in the city of Bandung began to experience a drastic decline based on data from the Bandung City COVID-19 Information Center (Pusicov).

Launching Antara, Tuesday, August 3, currently the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Bandung, West Java is 7,062 people. On Monday, August 2, the number of active cases was 7,296 people. Meanwhile, on Sunday, August 1, the number of active cases reached a record high of 9,118 people.

The decrease in active cases was due to the number of recoveries on Monday, August 2, which increased drastically, increasing by 2,069 people. Whereas previously the average daily addition of healing was only tens and hundreds.

On this day, the number of recovered people also increased by 411 people. Active cases have decreased as the number of confirmed cases added to only 184 this Tuesday.

There is also a cumulative confirmed case of COVID-19 so far has reached 38,102 people. Of this number, 29,765 people have been declared cured and 1,275 others have died with confirmed COVID-19 status.

So that currently the recovery rate for COVID-19 in the city of Bandung is 78 percent. Meanwhile, the death rate in Bandung is currently at 3.3 percent.

With the decline in the number of active COVID-19 cases, currently the active case graph has decreased from its peak which occurred on Sunday, August 1.

Despite the decline, Bandung Mayor Oded M Danial stated that currently he is still in the Level 4 Community Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM) zone.

He also asked the public to remain restrained and reduce mobility in order to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. In addition, he also asked the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"We are still level 4, we hope that the community will hold back, understand together, because that is the position," said Oded.