Viral Action Burning Vaccine-Mask Bottles At GKII Page Samaria Papua: We Don't Believe It, Kitong Bakar!

PAPUA - The actions of a number of religious leaders in Papua have attracted attention on social media, TikTok. Wearing black coats, these figures are seen holding masks and vaccine bottles followed by worshipers standing around.

Vaccine bottles and masks are then burned. This action took place at the GKII Samaria Courtyard, Kwamki Narama District, Mimika, Papua.

"We have never closed places of worship. Then today we are a KKR team starting from Judea, Samaria, Galilee, then Mount Zion, Tiberias to Matoa, Petra Silo to Anugrah, and there are 23 churches where we have a KKR," said one religious leader in the video.

The character's speech then continued. "So on behalf of the Kwamki Narama area on behalf of the team, we do not believe in vaccines with corona, because in the name of Jesus Christ's blood is defeated by the power of Satan, such as COVID-19 or vaccines. believe,"

Screenshot of TikTok @kalkinalowen

Then, in the video, a religious figure referred to as the Chair of the TRC expressed his gratitude to the TRC participants.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the KKR participants, from Jakarta, America to Papua, now we have to burn the vaccine and corona today," said the religious leader passionately, then followed by throwing masks and vaccine bottles into the blazing fire.

Screenshot of TikTok @kalkinalowen

The video was later recorded by someone. Then distributed by the owner of the tiktok account, namely @kalkinalowen. The owner of the account is the Chairman of the KNPI DPC Kwamki Narama Awen Magai.

To Awen explained, the video was not recorded by him. However, he got the video and took the initiative to share it through his Tiktok account. "I got a video so I shared it," Awen said when contacted by by telephone, Monday.