Questioning The Certainty Of The Learning Curriculum In The New Normality To Nadiem

JAKARTA - The past three months, student learning activities have been carried out at home because of the COVID-19 event. Meanwhile, in a while, a new school year will begin. Registration is managed online and parents take care of the New Student Admissions Registration (PPDB). This process is part of entering a new normal phase.

Member of Commission E for People's Welfare at the DPRD DKI Zita Anjani regretted that the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim had not yet issued a new normal phase of the preparation of school curricula and educational institutions.

"I ask Mas Nadiem to prepare guidelines for educators in dealing with new norms. Provide sufficient and measurable supplies. If the situation allows for school, we open school. But if you require returning to study from home, everything must be better prepared," said Zita in a short message to VOI, Sunday, June 14.

Zita said, when there is an option to reopen learning activities in schools, the government must provide detailed guidance to the school as a guideline for carrying out teaching and learning activities (KBM).

Meanwhile, while still running the teaching and learning activities at home with an online system, Zita asked for a clear home learning curriculum so that it could be applied to teachers simultaneously.

Because, so far the Ministry of Education and Culture has not issued clear guidelines regarding the arrangement of learning from home. The absence of command from the central government resulted in each regional government developing their own home learning scheme.

"We want clear guidelines for distance learning, how many hours to study online, what application to use, how much is the subsidy for Internet Quota (DiKI)," said Zita.

"Poor children, especially those from poor families. BLT from the government has run out of life, how do you want to buy internet packages. New normal should not cause new problems and new discrimination," he continued.

It's complicated to cook up the educational curriculum in the early days

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, did not deny that learning activities at home created an inequality in students' experience in understanding students from teachers. Because, there are still many students whose parents find it difficult to meet the internet's needs for learning.

"It is necessary to prepare how learning at home can remain effective and children can be served education by adjusting the child's condition, availability of internet connection, infrastructure, and facilities for online-based learning, especially in areas where internet access is very limited," said Ma'ruf some time ago. .

Ma'ruf said, Kemendikbud admitted that learning through the internet had less than optimal results. This face-to-face education is urgently needed but there are concerns about the high potential of transmitting COVID-19 in schools to students.

"Our regions are not all green, there are still many of our areas that are yellow, orange, red, while those that can be applied are green ones. Other countries, which have implemented education, have also been affected and closed again," said Ma'ruf.

Therefore, the government is currently studying comprehensively all the rules and the curriculum for learning in the new academic year 2020-2021. Health considerations become the focus in starting teaching and learning activities in schools in a new normal era.

"Therefore, the government is thinking about things that are really detailed and very careful," he added.