Police Reveals The Burning Of The Kalapas House In North Sumatra, The Perpetrators Were Officers, Residents And Prisoners

MEDAN - The home of Class III Kalapas Pinang City, South Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra, Edison Tampubolon was burned using Molotov cocktails. The perpetrators are employees, recidivists and convicts at the Pinang City Prison.

The Head of the Labuhanbatu Police, AKBP Deni Kurniawan, said the arson incident occurred on Saturday, June 19 in the early hours of the morning. Edison's official house that was burned was on Jalan Prof. HM Yamin, Kota Pinang District, South Labuhanbatu Regency.

At the time of the incident, Edison was asleep and was caught in the fire. Luckily his life was saved.

"Edison inhaled a lot of smoke which caused him to experience shortness of breath and pain, so he had to be taken to the Kota Pinang Hospital," Deni said in his statement, Tuesday, August 3.

For this incident, a joint team from the North Sumatra Police and the Labuhanbatu Police carried out an investigation until they finally succeeded in uncovering this case. According to Deni, there are 6 suspects.

They are recidivist of Anda Warsita's theft (23), recidivist of Erwin Hasibuan's theft (39). Both played a role in throwing Molotov cocktails at the victim's house.

Then three inmates in Penang, namely Raja Agus Salim (40) Suwondo (34). Both play a role in planning the arson and recruiting the suspects you and Erwin. Another prisoner named Yusyadi (38).

"(Yusyadi) his role was to participate in planning the arson and as a funder as well as participating in ordering the burning and currently the suspect is a convict in a drug case," said Deni.

However, the brain of the perpetrator in this case came from the Pinang City Prison officer himself named Ilman Syarif. The suspect has a personal grudge with the victim.

"The suspect Ilman felt hurt for the victim, because he reported it to the Pinang City Police for allegedly using methamphetamine in prison," said Deni.

According to Deni, all the suspects have been arrested after the police conducted an investigation. Starting from checking CCTV around the location to conducting interviews with witnesses.

From this investigation, the police managed to arrest your suspect in Aek Batu Village, Labuhan Batu Regency on Saturday, July 26.

The development continued until officers finally arrested the suspect Erwin in Kampar District, Rokan Hulu Regency on Wednesday, July 30. However, during the arrest process he fought the officers so that he had to be shot in the leg.

"Officers took decisive action against Erwin," he said.

During interrogation, you and Erwin admitted that they were ordered by 3 inmates from Tanjung Pinang named Agus, Yusyadi and Suwondo. Then on, Saturday, July 30, the police questioned the three.

From there, it is known that the brain of the culprit is Ilman. The police then arrested him.

"The planning started from Ilman who vented his heartache to the Head of Police who reported it to the Pinang City Police who used methamphetamine in prison so he wanted revenge," said Deni.

Then they use the services of you and Erwin to teach the victim a lesson.

"As for your suspect's wages for burning Rp. 300 thousand, while Erwin got Rp. 1.2 million," he said.

For his actions, the suspect is subject to Article 187 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

"The threat is imprisonment for 15 years," said Deni.