Polemic, PDI Perjuangan Agrees To Trisila In The Draft Law On HIP Removed

JAKARTA - The PDI-P agreed that the polemic article in the Pancasila Ideology Direction Bill (HIP) should be removed. Moreover, the draft law has recently drawn controversy because it is feared that it will bring about communism.

"Regarding the content contained in Article 7 of the Draft Law on HIP related to the main characteristics of Pancasila as a Trisila whose crystallization in Ekasila, PDI Perjuangan agreed to remove it," said PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in a written statement, Sunday, June 14.

The party led by Megawati Soekarnoputri also agreed to add a weighing provision, with the aim of emphasizing the prohibition against ideologies that are against Pancasila.

The ideologies that are meant to be contradictory are the ideology of Marxism-communism, capitalism-liberalism, radicalism, and khilafahism.

Hasto assessed that Indonesia must always prioritize unity and integrity, and avoid divide et impera politics or political division. He stated that the PDIP would be ready to listen to all the aspirations of the community regarding the HIP Bill.

Moreover, the various opinions related to this draft law indicate how strong public awareness of Pancasila is.

So, all parties should open lines of dialogue to discuss the HIP Bill. "Because dialogue, deliberation and mutual cooperation are part of Pancasila democratic practices," he said.

Polemic draft of legislation

The HIP Bill which is currently being discussed at the DPR RI Legislation Body is now in polemic. Many parties have questioned the draft proposed by the DPR and discussed with the government.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), for example, through its edict highlighted several things such as the exclusion of TAP MPRS Number 25 / MPRS / 1966 of 1966 concerning the Prohibition of Communism / Marxism-Leninism in the draft law.

"We deserve to suspect that the Drafters of the HIP Bill are elements who want to revive the understanding and the Indonesian Communist Party. Therefore, it should be investigated by the authorities," said MUI, as quoted from the announcement of the Central MUI and MUI throughout the Indonesian provinces.

In addition, elements in the draft law are considered to be obscure and deviate from the meaning of Pancasila. One of them is in the Trisila and Ekasila sections which are considered as an effort to divide Pancasila.

As for is Article 7 of the Draft Law on HIP which contains:

Paragraph (1) The main characteristics of Pancasila are justice and social welfare with a family spirit which is a combination of the principles of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy / political and economic democracy in one unit.

Paragraph (2) The main characteristics of Pancasila are in the form of trisila, namely: socio-nationalism, socio-democracy, as well as cultural divinity.

Paragraph (3) Trisila as referred to in paragraph (2) is crystallized in ekasila, namely mutual cooperation.

In its announcement, MUI said that squeezing Pancasila into Trisila and Ekasila was an attempt to obscure the meaning of Pancasila. "And covertly wanting to cripple the existence of the first precept," they wrote.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD then spoke up about the controversy over the Draft Law on HIP.

According to him, the government will reject the discussion of this draft law if the regulation will blackmail Pancasila and open the door to communism.

"The government will refuse if there is a suggestion to squeeze Pancasila into Trisila or Ekasila. For the government, Pancasila is the five precepts listed in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution in a single understanding," Mahfud said as quoted from his written statement.

"The five precepts, cannot be combined as one, two, or three. But they are interpreted as one unit which is narrated by the term 'one breath'," he added.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) also emphasized that the ban on communism has been finalized through MPR Decree Number I of 2003. In this regulation, it is stated that there is no legal space to change or revoke TAP MPRS Number XXV / MPRS / 1966 concerning the Prohibition of Communism Teachings. / Marxism-Leninism.

He also confirmed that the HIP Bill was an initiative of the Indonesian Parliament and had not involved the government in further talks. According to him, President Joko Widodo has yet to send a Presidential Letter (surpres) to discuss this draft in the legislative process.

"Later when the stage has reached the discussion, the government will propose the inclusion of TAP MPRS No. XXV Year 1966 in the preamble with the umbrella 'Remembering: TAP MPR No. I / MPR / 1966'," he concluded.