How To Use The Right Retinol To Avoid Skin Irritation

JAKARTA - Retinol is one of the most popular skincare ingredients in Indonesian women. The reason is, this is one of the ingredients that are good for anti-aging. Retinol is useful in increasing collagen production, accelerating skin cell turnover, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, disguising acne scars, and brightening dull skin. Unfortunately, this special skincare content brings side effects on the skin of its users. Skin redness, dryness, peeling, irritation, and a burning sensation are the effects of using retinol. For that, retinol is not recommended for use for owners of dry and sensitive skin.

Although it causes many side effects, you don't have to be afraid to try it. As long as you follow the right steps, the use of skincare with retinol can be guaranteed safe. Launching the Beautified page, Tuesday, August 3, here's how to prevent irritation from using retinol.

Selection of Other Skincare Usage

Since retinol increases the sensitivity of the skin, you need skincare that can "muffle" it. Choose products with hydrating and soothing benefits. Look for ones that contain hyaluronic acid, glycerine, aloe, or oats. At the same time, reduce the use of skincare with active ingredients, such as AHA/BHA, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide that make skin dry.

Sandwich Technique

Like a sandwich, flanking the main ingredient with two other ingredients. The trick is to use a moisturizer before and after using retinol. So that the retinol is sandwiched by two layers of moisturizer. Although it seems excessive, this technique is quite helpful in preventing irritation of using retinol, especially for sensitive skin.

Short Contact Technique

Just make short contact with the retinol. How: apply retinol on clean skin, leave it for 30 minutes – 1 hour, then wash your face. This method helps the skin to "accept" the retinol gradually until it can fully use the retinol overnight. In this way irritation of the use of retinol can be prevented.

Alternatives to Retinol

You can use bakuchiol as a substitute for retinol. Studies show that bakuchiol has benefits similar to retinol, namely increasing skin elasticity, preventing the appearance of wrinkles, and brightening the skin. Bakuchiol is not as irritating as retinol. That is why, bakuchiol is an anti-aging skin care that is lighter than retinol.