Luhut Claims Daily Case Number Of COVID-19 Drops By 50 Percent Due To PPKM

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the daily number of additional COVID-19 cases in the country had fallen by 50 percent from the peak of the increase in the spread of the virus on July 15. or PPKM Emergency and PPKM Level 4 which took place from July 3 to August 2. For your information, daily cases as of July 15 were recorded at 56,757 cases. Meanwhile, today's cases were recorded at 22,404. "Since the peak on July 15 until yesterday and there was a decline, we see the figure (decreased in cases) is already 50 percent. This gives good hope, but we still have to be careful because we are facing a delta. variants," he said at a press conference, Monday, August 2.

Luhut said the decline in cases was followed by an improvement in the bed occupancy rate or BOR in a number of hospitals. Despite the decline in COVID-19 cases, Luhut reminded the public that they still have to be aware of the risk of spreading the virus due to increased mobilization in several cities and fluctuations in the death rate. "Some areas that need special attention due to the high positivity rate and mortality rate are Bali, Malang Raya, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Solo Raya. But this has been handled and we should see how things get better," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) decided to extend PPKM Level 4 to August 9. He explained that PPKM Level 4 which was extended in the next week would adjust to the activities and conditions of each region. To reduce the burden on the community due to restrictions, Jokowi said, the government would encourage the acceleration of the realization of social assistance starting from the PKH program, cash assistance, and Village BLT, as well as assistance for micro and small businesses, street vendors, and stalls. As well as wage subsidy assistance that has started to run, and micro banpres have also been launched.