A Total Of 183 Banjarmasin City Government Health Workers Exposed To COVID-19

JAKARTA - Mayor of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan H Ibnu Sina stated that as many as 183 health workers from the city government have been exposed to COVID-19 to date. Many of these have contracted COVID-19. "In fact, some of them have died," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, August 2. To maximize the handling of COVID-19 in hospitals and health centers, his party has recruited 47 health workers, specifically nurses for RSUD Sultan Suriansyah. "Because the Sultan Suriansyah Hospital added 75 beds for COVID-19 patients, bringing the total to 125," he said.

In addition, there is an additional one doctor and 10 midwives to take care of this COVID-19 patient. He stated, most of the health workers who were exposed to COVID-19 were self-isolating. The head of the Banjarmasin City Health Office, Machli Riyadi, stated that of the 26 health centers in the city, as many as 15 health workers had to self-isolate due to exposure to COVID-19. -19 has made it difficult for his party to increase the tracking of transmission in the community. "But we are grateful to receive assistance from around 104 people who will be on duty in the field to track the spread of COVID-19, they will serve in 52 urban villages," he said.