Firli Bahuri Ensures KPK Will Respond To Ombudsman Findings Regarding TWK Maladministration

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri confirmed that he would immediately respond to the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding maladministration in the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) process. Firli will also answer the recommendations submitted some time ago.

"KPK will provide answers to the findings of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia," Firli said in a press conference that was broadcast online on the Indonesian KPK's YouTube, Monday, August 2.

He said the KPK had studied the results of the Ombudsman's examination regarding the process of transferring the staffing status. Furthermore, Firli said, they will announce their stance on the report.

The former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK also confirmed that he would comply with the reports and recommendations submitted by the Indonesian Ombudsman. Therefore, the corrective action in the recommendation has legal force.

"Once an issue has entered the realm of law, then of course there is legal independence. So, other authorities must comply with the law," said Firli.

"Therefore, the KPK will take an attitude of respecting the law," he added.

In addition to the recommendations of the Indonesian Ombudsman, the KPK will also comply with the results of the judicial review lawsuit which is currently still being processed at the Supreme Court.

"We know that today there is an examination at the Constitutional Court on the claims of several parties, there is also a judicial review lawsuit submitted to the Supreme Court. We will comply with that," he said.

As previously reported, as many as 75 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK reported their fate to a number of institutions such as Komnas HAM and the Indonesian Ombudsman. This report was made because they suspected that there was a violation that occurred in the test.

After examining a number of parties including the Deputy Chair of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, the Indonesian Ombudsman then announced his findings on Wednesday, July 21.

They said there was maladministration and abuse of authority from the planning process to the appointment of employees as ASN. One of the maladministration found was in the form of date manipulation in the memorandum of understanding signed by the KPK and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).