BPOM Raids Illegal Herbal Production In Banyuwangi, Evidence Transported By Truck
BANYUWANGI - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) together with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have uncovered the practice of producing illegal herbal medicine in Banyuwangi, East Java.
There are three production houses where the illegal herbal medicine is made, namely Tapanrejo Village, Muncar District; Sumberagung Hamlet and Sumberito Hamlet, in Srono District.
The illegal herbal medicine with the brand names of Tawon Klanceng and Roots Leaves is without a distribution permit and is suspected to contain hazardous substances.
Director of Cyber Medicine and Food of BPOM RI, Nuriskandar Syah, said that this disclosure began with public reports.
His party then carried out surveillance at the factory site since June 2021. The results of the supervision showed that these three traditional herbal medicine factories were illegal and hazardous chemicals and drugs were found.
"It can be harmful to the human body," he said at a press conference in Banyuwangi, Monday, August 2.
In this disclosure, his party secured evidence in the form of 7 trucks containing 11 items of raw materials, finished materials, production goods, and production machines.
His team will examine witnesses and examine the contents of this herbal medicine.
"This is still under investigation and investigation. This product is dangerous if consumed in the long term, it can damage our organs," he said.
This factory previously operated illegally and produced bottled traditional herbal products.
The herbal products from the production are marketed to areas on the island of Java and outside Java.
Kabagbanops Rokorwas PPNS Bareskrim Polri, Kombes Pudyo Haryono said his party would be involved in investigating this case.
He promised the police would take firm action against the perpetrators involved in it.
"We will continue to cooperate with BPOM and will carry out escorts to uncover this case," he said.
A number of items of evidence will be taken to the Surabaya POM Center for investigation purposes.
"Further investigations will be carried out so that the suspect can be determined from the illegal activities," he said.
The production of this herbal medicine is suspected of violating Health Law No. 36 of 2009 articles 197 and 106 paragraph 1 and Article 62 paragraph 1 junto Article 8 paragraph 1 letter a of Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.