Greysia-Apriyani Brings Gold Medal Home, DPR Reminds Menpora Not To Disburse Bonuses

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives Commission X reminded the Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali to give bonuses to the women's doubles pair Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu, who won the first gold medal for the Garuda contingent at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission X, Syaiful Huda, asked the government to ensure that the search for bonuses was carried out properly and on time.

"I don't think the Ministry of Youth and Sports has to wait long, don't let there be a bonus delay from this because it really heals us all. Of the 8 sports that we take part in the Olympics, badminton is the only one that can present medals," said Huda, Monday. , August 2. He also appealed that the bonus should be given as well as possible as a form of appreciation to Greysia and Apriyani. Huda said. In addition, added Huda, athletes in any sport who excel in the international arena, especially the Olympics, must be given the highest appreciation by the government to grow a generation of athletes. too," said the PKB politician.

Representing the House of Representatives Commission X, Huda appreciated the gold medal achievement by Greysia and Apriyani in the women's double badminton final at the Tokyo Olympics. The highest to Mba Gray and Mba Apri for this achievement, it is extraordinary," said Huda.