Secretariat Website Hacked, DPR: The Importance Of The PDP Law, The Government's Website Is Still Weak

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Christina Aryani, highlighted the case of hacking the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat. According to him, this incident proves that the cybersecurity system of websites managed by the government is still weak.

"Specifically for the hacking of the Cabinet Secretariat website, we note that it has occurred at least three times, namely Saturday, July 30, yesterday, 2015 ago, and during the era of President SBY's administration," said Christina Aryani, Monday, August 2. Golkar politician it alludes to Indonesia which has a National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN). BSSN has coordinated with various government agencies and others, in order to ensure that cyber security runs optimally.

Of course, he said, this incident became a record for the DPR to evaluate the performance of the BSSN and encourage improvement efforts that need to be made.

This member of the Legislative Council of the DPR considers that the emergence of repeated hacking of government websites shows the importance of the existence of a regulation in the form of the Personal Data Protection Law which will regulate the obligations of personal data managers to maintain their cyber security system.

The regulation, said Christina, will later ensure that audits can be carried out on data managers, namely public bodies, government agencies and private companies to ensure that those concerned have implemented a prevention system against hacking/data leakage optimally or not.

"Failure to implement an optimal security system will result in liability consequences in the form of administrative fines and criminal sanctions," concluded Christina.

The cabinet secretariat website was hacked on Saturday, August 31. As of Sunday, August 2, at 13:35 WIB, the site is still not accessible.

"We are currently conducting an investigation (regarding the hacked Secretkab site)," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono, Sunday, August 1.

The Setkab page displays a black screen with photos showing demonstrators carrying red and white flags. Underneath it was written, "Padang Blackhat ll Anon Illusion Team Pwned By Zyy Ft Luthfifake"

On Sunday, August 1st, the setkab website said: We'll be back soon! Sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently updating the system.

The hacking of the site is not the first time. In 2015, the Setkab website was also hacked, on December 24, 2015.

A few hours after being hacked and defaced by hackers, the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat (Setkab) was inaccessible to visitors. In the main view of the site with the address, there is text that explains that the site is temporarily inaccessible.