Amazing Wafers Filled With Razor To Nails Distributed To Children In Jember

JEMBER - Residents of Jalan Cempedak, Jember Lor Village, Patrang District, were shocked with wafer snacks containing pieces of sharp objects such as nails to razors.

The wafer was distributed by an unknown person to the children who were playing.

The head of the Patrang Police, AKP Hedi Supadmo, said that initially, two children who were playing in his yard, Saturday, July 31, were approached by an unknown person who gave them two packs of wafers. After eating a little, the child felt a sharp object and vomited.

"It was opened, tasted a little, how come there was a sharp object and it vomited," he said when contacted, Monday, August 2, 2021.

Both then reported to their parents. After all the packages were opened, they found razors and nails.

"After the parents opened it, it turned out that it contained sharp objects and reported it to the Police. We went to the TkP and it was true that it contained many pieces of sharp objects," said AKP Hedi.

The police have examined several witnesses. From the testimony of the witness, the characteristics of the perpetrator were that he always wore a silver jumper jacket. An investigation was also carried out to determine the motives of the perpetrators.

"Parents are advised to be more vigilant and reminded if they meet a foreigner, don't accept it easily. If you know someone suspicious, immediately report it to the police," continued AKP Hedi.