Erick Thohir Will Install Millennial Directors At Telkom

JAKARTA - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), will hold an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for the 2019 financial year next week.

Then, who will fill the board of directors at the company. State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir leaked a list of new candidates for directors.

Although he did not mention who that person was, he said that one of Telkom's board members came from millennial circles. It is not without reason that Erick puts a millennial figure on the board of directors. According to him, the millennial figure will bring changes to state-owned companies.

"I really believe in this change from a young age. That's why Telkom itself, one of its directors, is under 40 years old," said Erick in a virtual discussion, Saturday, June 13.

The inclusion of directors from young people, said Erick, is in accordance with the original goal since he served as Minister of BUMN. What Erick wants is that 15 percent of the positions can be filled by women. Then, the other 5 percent comes from millennials.

"This is also a strategy instead of building our young talents, whether BUMN collaborate with universities for apprenticeship programs, provide shout courses, or later we will conduct a research and development center, 30 percent of CSR to health, recruit a percentage of BOD under 40 years, we do this together, "said Erick.

For information, Telkom's AGMS will be held on Friday, June 19, 2020 at the Telkom Landmark Tower Auditorium. The agenda is carried out with physical meetings, but still implementing the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

The agenda for the GMS being carried out is the approval of the company's annual report for the 2019 financial year, including the report on the supervisory duties of the board of commissioners.

Second, the ratification of the company's financial statements and the annual report on the partnership and community development program for the 2019 financial year, as well as the release of responsibility for members of the board of directors and the board of commissioners.

Third, determining the use of the company's net profit for the 2019 financial year. Fourth, determining the remuneration for members of the board of directors and the board of commissioners.

Fifth, the appointment of a public accounting firm to examine the company's financial statements, including an audit of internal control over financial reporting and the appointment of a public accounting firm to examine the financial statements of the partnership and environmental development program. Sixth, changes in the composition of the company's management.