Shortness Of Breath-stomach Pain Only Took Diarrhea Medicine Because She Didn't Have Money, Woman In Denpasar Died At The Boarding House

DENPASAR - A woman named Astriana Yanthy (21) died at a boarding house, Jalan Cokroamonito, Denpasar, Bali. Astriana died after experiencing shortness of breath and was given diarrhea medicine because she had no money.

"At 16.00 WITA, a medical team from PMI Denpasar City with an ambulance unit arrived at the scene to evacuate the bodies to Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar," said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police, Iptu Ketut Sukadi, Monday, August 2.

The victim was found dead on Sunday, August 1 at around 14.00 WITA. The victim's husband, said his wife since Friday, July 30, complained of stomach pain and shortness of breath.

"With the excuse of not having money and just being treated at home and taking medicine for stomach pain entrostop," he added.

Then on Sunday, August 1st, the victim fainted and lost consciousness. When checked for pulse and breathing, it was found that her husband had died.

"Then, the victim was lifted by her husband and laid on the bed in the room. After it was known the victim died," he said.