KPK Ensures Corruption Eradication Continues Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that their duties will continue despite the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the corruption eradication strategy starting from prevention, prosecution, and anti-corruption education still needs technical adjustments in its implementation.

"Seeing that the positive cases of COVID-19 are still relatively high in almost all parts of Indonesia, including some of the KPK employees, we need to adjust these conditions," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri in a written statement quoted Monday, August 2 .

The anti-corruption commission, he continued, did reduce the mobility of employees to go directly to the field. However, this condition does not limit the KPK field team to look for evidence.

This is because the process of investigating corruption cases must continue and cannot be done online.

"In the process of investigating, investigating, and prosecuting a case, there are some things that still need the KPK team to go directly to the field. For example, to collect information and evidence," said Ali.

"In this pandemic situation and the limitations of KPK personnel, we ensure that the eradication of corruption continues," he added.

Furthermore, Ali also ensured that his party would continue to conduct a series of trials, starting from reading the indictment against the perpetrators of corruption to the verdict. All of these activities, he said, were carried out online due to the pandemic.

"We also continue to carry out investigations and investigations through case building to reveal the light of a case," he said.

"In time, the KPK will convey any developments to the public," he concluded.