AP II Airport Requires PeduliProtect Application For Passengers

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Airport starting today, Sunday August 1, requires prospective aircraft passengers to use the PeduliLindung application to process flight departures.

AP II President Director Muhammad Awaluddin said that after the familiarization period, the company's airports are now ready to fully implement SE Number 847/2021.

"PeduliLindung ensures that the process of validating aircraft passenger health documents at the airport is carried out digitally so that it is safer, faster, easier and strongly supports health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic," said Muhammad Awaluddin, quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 1.

Muhammad Awaluddin said this was done to support the implementation of the Circular Letter of the Minister of Health No. 847/2021 concerning the Digitization of Health Documents for Air Transportation Users who are Integrated with the PeduliLindung application.

The use of the PeduliLindung application to process departures has been implemented since July 2021 at AP II airports in the context of familiarization.

During the familiarization period, the number of PeduliLindung users to process departures at AP II airport reached around 8,000 airplane passengers.

Awaluddin said PeduliLindung would be an important application for prospective airplane passengers in the midst of this pandemic condition.

“At AP II airport, the PeduliLindung application will function as Terminal Access Control, Check-in Counter Access Control, and Health Validation Process Control. Following this, prospective passengers at AP II airport must use the PeduliLindung application to process departures," he said.

In addition, the benefits for prospective airline passengers by using PeduliLindung, namely the departure process can be made much simpler, minimize physical contact, and become easier because they do not have to carry paper documents for Covid-19 test results or vaccination cards.

Prospective flight passengers simply show the QR Code in the PeduliLindung application at the check-in counter. After that, there will be a notification to the check-in officer, whether the prospective passenger has met the health document requirements or not.

As is known, through the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 847/2021 it is stated that laboratories and health facilities (fasyan) that perform RDT Antigen and PCR are required to enter test result data into the allrecord-tc-19 (New-all Record/NAR) application.

The test results will then appear in the PeduliLindung account of each prospective airplane passenger.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 4642/2021, there are already 742 laboratories integrated with NAR.

Then, to ensure that laboratory service standards are integrated with NAR, the Ministry of Health's Balitbang issued SE Number 4491/2021 which states that reporting of test results for flights by laboratories/health facilities to allrecord-tc-19 (NAR) is carried out no later than 2 hours after the results of the examination. finished verified.

"We urge prospective airline passengers to carry out a COVID-19 test at one of the 742 laboratories that have been integrated with NAR, so that the test results are directly uploaded to PeduliLindung," he said.

Every prospective flight passenger who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 will also automatically receive a digital vaccination card in the PeduliLindung account.

Following the obligation to use PeduliLindung, AP II airport created a check point that provides a QR Code Reader to scan the QR Code PeduliLindung for prospective passengers.

If after scanning the PeduliLindung account can be used to process departures, the prospective passenger will continue the process to the check-in counter.

If not, the prospective flight passengers must validate the health documents at the Ministry of Health's KKP desk at the terminal.