Endang Yulida's Efforts To Seek Justice About The Death Of Her Child In Senayan

JAKARTA - Endang Yulida came to Commission III of the DPR RI, Tuesday, December 10. He wants to complain about the case of his son's death, which has never come to light. His son Yusuf, is a student at Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi who died during a demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Building, Thursday, December 26.

At the DPR, Endang met with Deputy Chairman of Commission III Desmond J Mahesa (Gerindra Party Faction), Taufik Besari (NasDem Party Faction), Nasir Djamil (PKS Party Faction), and Masinton Pasaribu (PDIP Faction).

He told this member of parliament about all efforts to find out about the death of his son. One of them was about his meeting with the Head of Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Brigadier General Mardisyam. From Mardisyam's statement, it is known that the case of his child's death was handled by the National Police Headquarters.

The problem is, his son's case has never been revealed. Meanwhile, the case of another Kendari student's death, Randi, who was also shot dead during the chaotic demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD, has been revealed. The perpetrator is Brigadier AM who is subject to Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 359 of the Criminal Code, a subsidiary of Article 360 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years.

"He (Mardisyam) answered, 'the case of our mother and Randi's children is no different, everything is handled by the National Police Headquarters.' I ask again, why the perpetrator of Randi's case has been revealed, while Yusuf was not," said Endang, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan , Jakarta, Tuesday, December 10.

Endang did not continue his words, he seemed to try to take a breath and hold back his tears. Her tears broke out as she continued the story of her conversation with Mardisyam.

"What is the difference between the Yusuf and Randi cases? They are both dead sir. Why is my son, Yusuf being abandoned? I have not gotten any progress at all. They promised to provide news related to my child. But until now I have not got any progress. accept it, sir, "said Endang whose tears broke out.

Endang Yulida came to Commission III of the DPR to report the case of the death of her son who died during a demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Building, Thursday, December 26 (Mery Handayani / VOI)

He also asked about the obstacles that investigators experienced in handling his son's case. The answer that Endang got was due to the lack of witnesses.

"Lack of witnesses he said. 'You're the police, general. This means that their teams can work better, this case I say is a national case, handled by the Headquarters, how slow is it.' He replied, 'the evidence we got at the TKP was stone. "Because our son, Yusuf, said he died from a blunt object," said Endang.

Endang continued his question, he questioned the death of his son because of a stone or other blunt object. He also asked, what size stone could crush Joseph's head so that it was bleeding profusely.

"The rock at the scene of the crime is only a fist (hand), and it is impossible to destroy his head until it is five irregular cracks."


Yusuf's death in an unnatural way made it difficult for Endang to accept it. He also asked the Head of the Sutra of Police to solve the case that happened to his son with his heart, and put forward humanity.

"19 years old sir I raised him, took care of him sir, with a count of fingers he killed him. Where is justice for me sir, where? Yusuf my first child, my proud child and become the pedestal of my hope who will take care of me and will take care of my younger siblings. his younger brother, suddenly lost, sir, "said Endang.

"Two more months passed without clarity, I spent more than two months my days, pack with tears. Anyone want to hear me? Nothing," continued Endang, who made her cry broke out again.

To Desmond, Endang hopes that the case of her child's death can be handled and the culprit is known. He just wanted to know who killed his son.

Meanwhile, Desmond, as the head of Commission III who received this complaint, hopes that cases like this will no longer occur on earth.

"Hopefully it doesn't happen again, and there is a solution for all that happened, that's what we hope for," said Desmond.

Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) received Endang Yulida's complaint about the unfinished death of her child (Mery Handayani / VOI)