Anies Baswedan Will Receive MHT 2021 Award

JAKARTA - The management of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI Jaya) plans to give an award to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. The award in the form of the PWI Jaya Award will be delivered on August 25, 2021, along with the awarding of prizes to the winners of the 2021 Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award.

The PWI Jaya Award is given to a figure or institution for their role in society. Such as Anies Baswedan who is considered to have made a major contribution from his performance so far, including to the public and the press.

"The governor provides a great space for openness to the press, including always supporting the Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award," said PWI Jaya Chair Sayid Iskandarsyah, Friday, July 30.

"We have given the PWI Jaya Award to several figures with extraordinary integrity, such as Dudung Abdurachman while serving as Pangdam Jaya," said Cak Herry Sarsongko Ludiro, chairman of the PWI Jaya Award.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan when giving awards to MHT participants (photo: IST)

As previously reported, although still facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the 47th Mohammad Husni Thamrin journalistic award will still be carried out as planned. Namely, August 25, 2021.

"We are on the track, there has been no change. However, by looking at the current conditions, we are still considering what will happen in the future," said Sayid Iskandarsyah.




Sayid explained that he, together with the PWI Jaya Daily Executive and the organizing committee for the Journalism Award Mohammad Husni Thamrin, will continue to coordinate with the Jakarta Diskominfotik ranks regarding the 47-2021 event.

The Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award was held from a collaboration between PWI Jaya and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This is a journalistic work competition related to the dynamics of capital city development. This time, DKI Jakarta is being led by Anies Baswedan.

For the Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award 47-2021, the jury team, led by Irmanto as deputy chairman of the PWI Jaya organization, has screened and assessed journalistic works published in the period 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021.

There are seven categories contested. Namely, Text Journalism, Photo Journalism, Video Journalism from Terrestrial Television Stations, Video Journalism from Streaming Television Mass Media, Audio Journalism from Radio, Infographic Journalism from both print and online media, and Editorials from both print and online media.

The atmosphere of the 2021 MHT Award committee meeting in planning the awarding of Anies Baswedan (Photo:IST)

Kadirah, chairman of the committee for the Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award 47-2021, appreciated the support provided by the organizing partners. Among those who have expressed their commitments are the Financial Services Authority (OJK), PAL Jaya, Bulog, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Djarum Foundation, Astra Agro Lestari, Gajah Tunggal, Pegadaian, Sahabat Steven Musa (SSM), FIF, Stock Exchange Indonesia, music promoter Agi Sugiyanto, initiator of Spiritual Awakening & Indonesian Reconciliation Society Movement (GMRI) Eko Sriyanto Galgendu, Angle of View Magazine and three news portals;, and