Eight Words About The 'White' Solar Phenomenon The Sun Appears White

JAKARTA - The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) said the solar phenomenon "pethak" or the sun looks white has the potential to occur in all parts of Indonesia.

"Every region throughout Indonesia has the potential to experience the solar 'pethak'," said researcher at the Center for Science and Space at Lapan Andi Pangerang, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

He explained that the solar phenomenon "pethak" is when the sun turns white during the day from sunrise to sunset.

According to him, if it is associated with the seasons, solar "pethak" generally only occurs in the rainy season, at which time water evaporation tends to be high so that clouds are more easily formed.

"Solar 'pethak' can only occur if the air quality at the observation location is not good, and from a meteorological point of view, the location is covered with cloud fog, so the scattering is not as strong as when the sky is clear and clear," he said.

The causes that allow solar "pethak" to occur, he said, are volcanic eruptions and changes in sea water circulation that can affect evaporation and cloud formation.

Literally, he said, Surya "pethak" means the sun looks white. Surya "pethak" can be interpreted as the nature of sunya ruri or the day is dim like night. The day referred to here is calculated from sunrise to sunset.

According to him, the sun's rays, which are usually reddish at sunrise and sunset, will turn white, while when the sun rises, the sun's rays are not so hot because they are blocked by a kind of cloud.

The incident can last for seven to forty days at most.

"The effect of the "pethak" solar can make the temperature of the earth's surface colder, so that plants cannot grow optimally and humans will easily shiver," said Andi Pangerang.