Hundreds Of South Sumatra Police Personnel Exposed To COVID-19 Undergo Independent Isolation

PALEMBANG - A total of 250 personnel serving at the South Sumatra Regional Police and a number of regional units of its staff are undergoing independent isolation (isoman) at their respective homes due to being infected with COVID-19.

"Hundreds of personnel undergoing isomanism are under the supervision of Biddokes, implementing strict health protocols so as not to infect their families and local residents, taking medicine and vitamins for COVID-19 patients," said South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

According to him, the current level of transmission of the corona virus is still quite high, this condition needs to be watched out for by following health protocols (prokes), such as using masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.

The implementation of prokes and activities that can prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is expected to receive maximum support from all parties and levels of society, including employees of PT Supreme Energi Rantau Dedap in Lahat Regency.

In addition to self-awareness to carry out isomanism as is done by hundreds of Polda personnel today, people who feel symptoms of being infected with COVID-19 are encouraged to do 3T or early examination (testing) to find out whether they are positive or not.

If the test result is positive, it is necessary to carry out tracing and treatment with self-isolation for mild symptoms and severe symptoms to a COVID-19 referral hospital.

High vigilance needs to be carried out, the virus can potentially spread to anyone who does not carry out the prokes properly.

If one person is infected, the contacts will be tracked and checked whether they are infected or not. For prevention, obey health protocols, such as wearing masks, keeping a distance, washing hands with soap.

"Every red zone, I come by encouraging my members, every day I also zoom meetings on my sick members to give them encouragement to get well soon," said the Kapolda.