A Number Of Circles Find Oddities In Novel Baswedan Attacker Trial

JAKARTA - Lokataru Executive Director Haris Azhar assessed that the court in the case of the hard water attack on Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator Novel Baswedan was a fabrication.

Because of that, according to Haris, it became natural for the two defendants, namely Ronny Bugis and Rahmat Kadir Mahulette, to be charged a year in prison.

"This low charge is strange but natural. It is strange because it is a cruel crime, only low prosecution if they are believed to be the perpetrator. Naturally, because it is just a puppet," said Haris to reporters in his written statement, Friday, June 12.

From the results of the investigation, the two defendants were not the perpetrators of the crime against Novel Baswedan. The two were deliberately paired up to end the polemic on this case. "The nuance of the engineering is very thick," he said.

This Human Rights (HAM) activist found a number of oddities in this engineering court. First, he said, the defendant was a member of the National Police whose lawyer also came from the same institution. This indicates a conflict of interest.

Then, the doctor's statement stating that Novel was attacked with hard water was not used. The prosecutor, he continued, actually confirmed that the watering was using battery water without any forensic evidence.

In addition, video evidence from CCTV was not presented at this trial. In fact, the police claimed to have obtained CCTV results around the scene. "These are just a few irregularities," he said.

Meanwhile, Coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) Yati Andriyani said that Ronny and Rahmat's demands for a year in prison made the law lose its fangs even more.

"The law is increasingly losing its fangs if law enforcement practices like this case continue to happen. The law becomes mortgaged," said Yati.

Because, it is not impossible that the law enforcement process through the courts, such as in the case of the attack on Novel, will become a pattern for law enforcers to protect perpetrators with low charges.

In addition, this court will also cover the disclosure of crimes thoroughly by not exposing the conspiracy behind them.

"Also the law becomes selective and discriminatory because it is unable to protect and provide justice for the community or people who defend public interests, such as Novel Baswedan, from criminal attacks," he said.

The prosecutor's demands were unreasonable

The former deputy chairman of the KPK, Laode M Syarif, could not stop thinking about the demands of his former subordinate attackers. He compared, Ronny and Rahmat's demands were lower than Bahar bin Smith, who was caught in the case of persecution.

"It is unacceptable common sense. Just compare it to the persecution of Bahar bin Smith, whose victims were not permanently disabled and compared to Novels who permanently lost their eyes," said Syarif.

He considered that the prosecutor's demands against the two defendants showed that the state was ignorant of the commitment to the UN Convention against Corruption.

"This shows that the state is not serious about protecting anti-corruption workers which according to the UNCAC (United Nations Convention Against Corruption) which Indonesia has ratified. (Anti-corruption workers) must be protected," he said.

Previously, the two defendants who sprinkled hard water against Novel Baswedan Rahmat Kadir Mahulette and Ronny Bugis were sentenced to a year in prison. The prosecutor assessed that the two were proven to have committed maltreatment which resulted in serious injuries.

In the trial, Rahmat was deemed proven to have committed maltreatment with planning and caused serious injuries to Novel using sulfuric acid that was splashed.

Meanwhile, Ronny was charged with being involved in the persecution for helping Rahmat.

The prosecutor assessed that the two defendants did not fulfill the elements of the primary indictment regarding serious maltreatment from Article 355 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1-1 of the Criminal Code. This is because the liquid that Rahmat splashed accidentally hit Novel's eyes.

"The defendant will only give a lesson to the witness Novel Baswedan by pouring hard water on Novel Baswedan but unexpectedly it turns out that Novel Baswedan 's eye caused the right eye to not function and the left eye only functioned 50 percent which means permanent disability so that the elements of the primary indictment are not fulfilled. , "said the prosecutor when reading out the charges.

For their actions, Rahmat and Ronny were later judged to have violated Article 353 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code regarding pre-planned serious assault.