Tito Karnavian Comes To The Regions And Motivates The Local Government To Face The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian encouraged local government officials to continue to work hard, even in the midst of fluctuating COVID-19 transmission rates.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian in his statement received in Jakarta, Friday, encouraging the region when he made a working visit to Kendal Regency, Central Java, for a coordination meeting with the Kendal Regent and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

The Minister of Home Affairs invited the Director General of Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs Akmal Malik, Director General of Politics and General Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Bahtiar, Director General of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, and Head of the Pendopo of the Ministry of Home Affairs Benni Irwan to a meeting at the Kendal Regency Hall.

"We came to motivate friends (local government officials) in the midst of a surge in new variants, especially the Delta variant so that friends are more aware and more anticipatory than when facing the previous variant," said Tito Karnavian.​​​​​Tito explained. consideration of his choice to visit Kendal Regency in a series of working visits to Central Java. Previously, the Minister of Home Affairs visited Brebes Regency.

In the past two weeks, the Minister of Home Affairs has continued to tour the area by visiting areas in West Java Province, including Bekasi Regency, Depok City, Indramayu Regency, and Cirebon Regency.

In Banten Province, the Minister of Home Affairs met with the Tangerang Regent, Tangerang Mayor, and South Tangerang Mayor. In front of the regents and mayors, the Minister of Home Affairs did not get tired of encouraging the ranks of regional governments and communication forums for regional leaders to remain united and enthusiastic in fighting COVID-19.

In Central Java, Tito mentioned his choice to visit the northern coast of Java, because he saw that the Governor of Central Java had visited the central and southern parts of Central Java because there was an increase in COVID-19 transmission.

In addition, said Tito, in Brebes there is an industrial area, including Kendal there is an industrial area.

"We don't want (COVID-19) industrial clusters," he said.

Tito said that from Kendal Regent Dico Ganundito's presentation, there seemed to be a downward trend after the implementation of PPKM.

Although, according to him, Kendal Regency needs hard work because the health worker's incentive budget is still only disbursed, about 26.8 percent.

"The regent just sits down with the head of the Health Service, and it can be immediately disbursed because health workers are the 'frontliners' in dealing with the pandemic, so this incentive will raise their spirits," said Tito.