Receiving Assistance From Young People, Kapolda Fadil 'Raises Hat' Respectfully Compares To PPKM Demo Mass

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran highlighted the actions of the younger generation who took part in 'warring' with COVID-19. In fact, he compared it with several younger generations who actually held demonstrations related to the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

Originally, the younger generation participated in the Merdeka Vaccination program. They contribute various ideas to become volunteers.

"This is a contribution of thought that cannot be valued in money. The younger generation, young people have bright minds, this is very different, in stark contrast to those who recently or recently have different perspectives on how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, " said Fadil to reporters, Friday, July 30.

Fadil also said that these young people are making real moves to build their Vaccination concept. Of course, the goal is to help Indonesia, especially Jakarta, escape the COVID-19 pandemic.

"They did something real, they built a concept inviting them to work together on how to ease the government's steps in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"Young people who are full of creativity, who are full of dedication, who have the spirit of patriotism in their chests, and the red and white spirit to seize independence came to me saying 'Pak Polda, we will walk together, we will call it independent vaccination,'" continued Fadil. .

In fact, Fadil said he took his hat off to this group of young people. Because, their only goal is that on Indonesia's independence day, the people of Jakarta have formed immunity against COVID-19.

"I take my hat off and respect those young people who have an extraordinary patriotism spirit, 'I ask what does that mean? Sir, we want Jakarta to celebrate its independence on August 17 with everyone vaccinated. This is our concept. '," said Inspector General Fadil.