KPK: Private Sector Has Highest Rank In Corruption Cases

JAKARTA - KPK's Anti-Corruption Director, Aminudin, said that the private sector has the highest rank in corruption cases in Indonesia handled by the KPK.

"The involvement of the private sector in contributing to corruption is quite significant," Aminudin said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

Aminudin presented data showing the number of corruption cases handled by the KPK in the period 2004-May 2020. A total of 297 corruption cases were carried out by the private sector.

Followed by corruption cases committed by the DPR which ranks second with a total of 257 corruption cases.

According to Aminudin, the involvement of the private sector as perpetrators of corruption is often caused by their business interests when interacting with bureaucrats, especially when their interests are related to licensing.

The type of corruption case that most often ensnares the private sector is the type of bribery case. This statement is in line with bribery cases, which have consistently ranked the highest for corruption based on cases since 2004.

The accumulation of bribery cases, as of 2004-2020, amounted to 739 cases with a total of 1122 corruption cases. The type of case for the procurement of goods/services occupies the second position with a total of 236 cases (starting from 2004-2020).

Therefore, the strategy taken by the KPK to prevent corruption among business actors includes improving policies to create a healthy business climate.

What is meant by policy improvement is improving the applicable regulations, so as to give birth to effective and corruption-free licensing. This solution is closely related to the high number of bribery cases in licensing issues.

Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata also stated the same thing related to the cause of the high number of corruption cases carried out by the private sector. Based on the dialogues he has held with businessmen, bribes are sometimes forced by business actors to speed up the licensing process.

"Actually, there are many business activities that they feel are victims of extortion by bureaucrats," he explained.